The nylon porn genre is the kind of genre that really appeals to people who want to see nylon porn, or nylon porn stars, or just porn in general. The fetish in the center of it all is... nylons. There are many people out there who just cannot stop enjoying the sight of nylon porn, but if you're not into it, then you're missing out. The legs featured here will all look great if you're into it, and if you're not, they'll probably still look pretty nice.
The covered legs are so popular that they even made an entire series of films about them. Not just one. There are many studios that churn out exclusively nylon porn videos, and there are even some that do nothing else but delve into subgenres of nylon porn! The genre is so big that it has its own section in the porn industry, and that section is booming.
The thing that makes the covered legs so appealing is that they are completely covered in nylon. They look so good that people just cannot help themselves, and they will watch this stuff over and over again. The dark color of the nylon also lends itself well to the darker themes of the movies, so it's a win-win for everyone involved.