Facefuck porn is the kind of porn that shows women getting their face fucked, usually by a man. Facefuck porn videos involve a lot of hard, rough facefucking and often end with the woman being covered in cum. Or her own drool due to the fact that she is straight-up chocking on the cock. During the choking part, her eyes also start to tear up and become red from the tears. Some women also gag during the facefuck session and that is something that most find to be a major turn-on - their tears mix with their drool and cock juices to make a sexy, sticky, and filthy mess on their face. The fact that they are chocking, gagging, and crying can also give them a bit of a red, puffy appearance and a flushed skin tone, especially around their nose and eyes.
The women seem just so happy to be there. Face fuck porn can get really intense, and that's a big part of why people enjoy it. It's not something you would ever really want to have done to you (unless you are some sort of extreme submissive who enjoys pain). The action can be varied and all orgasms feel legit.